Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Love AP Tests

So, last week and this week I'm have been taking three different AP tests, AP Chemistry, AP US History, and AP Language & Composition. They are really boring to take, and I'm dreading the fact that I still have one more to go.

This is the feeling that many students have. "AP tests suck, I'm going to fail, I'd rather be watching baseball (or in the case of McGriddle, watching a carrot dry)". I, also, have some of those same feelings. But, the more that I think about it, the better these AP tests seem.

First of all, sure they are hard, but, of course, they are hard because they are college-level classes. If you don't want to study hard, don't take hard classes. Secondly, people complain about the tests being eighty dollars. Even though this is a lot of money to be paying for a stupid test, it is nothing compared to the money you save in college if you pass these tests by studying hard. I know I may sound like a hippocratic person, as I don't study much, but you can't argue with the logic. If you feel differently, let me know, but I have a feeling you feel the same way I do. So, if you have another test like me, study hard and get that four you really want, even if I'm sitting at the computer typing a blog the night before my last AP Test.

"Above: AP Language & Composition book, http://coverbrowser.com"


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